Travel Art Supplies

With spring breaks upon us and summer vacation on the horizon, it’s nice to be traveling again. The change of scenery, meeting up with friends and family, and having new adventures makes lasting impressions. Want an even better way to remember your trip than the billon iPhone pictures you take? Try drawing, sketching or painting in a travel journal. Set aside 10 minutes (or more) of your day to record what you did, what you saw, or what inspired you and let your creativity loose.

To make it easier for you I’m including below some of my favorite travel supplies. They don’t take up a lot of space and pack well. These links are not sponsored - just helpful. I wish you exciting travels ahead and permission to play on your next trip.

Bon Voyage!

Moleskin Sketchbook. You can’t go wrong with Moleskine. It’s a best seller for a reason and I love this Watercolor Album in large (5" x 8.25"). The weight of the paper is great and can really handle your water and paint. Bring a binder clip with you if you want to clip the pages open to let them dry in between sessions. I have several of these sketchbooks as they just work well.

Watercolor Travel Paint Set. I like this Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Paint Sketchers' Pocket Box. It has a nice variety of colors and is a great small size. I’ve brought this on many vacations!

Travel watercolor brushes. These Pentel art brushes have a water container in them so they are super easy to fill up in your hotel sink and just grab a few napkins to wipe off the brushes between color changes.

Micron Pens. Maybe you want to use ink outlines with your watercolor sketches or maybe you want to journal about that delicious meal you had at the quaint bistro. Having a set (or just bring along one or two) waterproof pens in archival ink is a must! These are my go to black pens (you can also get a colored set).